Biology Compilation Unit 3
Table of Contents:
The Skeletal System
Bone Development
Repair and Remodeling of Bones
Bone Shapes
The Axial Skeleton
The Appendicular Skeleton
Movement of the Skeleton
The Muscular System
Structure of a Muscle
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
Blood Typing
The Cardiovascular System
The Heart
The Immune System
Health Risk Factors
The Lymphatic System
Blocking Pathogens and Keeping Them Out
Non-Specific Defenses
Specific Defense Mechanisms
The Five Classes of Antibodies
Medical-Initiated Immunity
Innappropriate Immune Responses
The Upper Respiratory Tract
The Lower Respiratory Tract
Measuring Lung Capacity
Gas Exchange
Regulations of Breathing
Skeletal System
skeleton's function in the body is to support it, allow movement,
protect it, and less commonly known, allow for the formation of blood
cells and mineral storage. It consists of three types of connective
tissue: bones, ligaments and cartilage.
are 206 bones in the skeleton. Bones are hard inorganic matrices of
calcium salts.
bone, found at the top of the epiphysis of each bone, carries the
appearance of a very porous sponge. Trabaculae give the spongy bone
this look. The purpose of spongy bone is to give the bone a light,
but strong support.
bone forms the shaft of the bone and covers each end of the bone. It
is denser than spongy bone.
Bone also consists of cells called osteocytes. Osteocytes, found in compact bone, are enclosed by calcium phosphate deposits. They are arranged in cylindrical rings called osteons (or Haversian systems). Haversian canals bring the osteons their nutrients from blood diffusion via blood vessels and nerve fibers.
Bone Development
Chondroblasts are cells that form
cartilage. In fetal development, chondroblasts form hyaline
Osteoblasts are carried in the blood
vessels to form bone during childhood.
Osteoclasts break down mature bone to
remodel and repair it.
Osteocytes are mature bone cells.
Repair and Remodeling of Bones
Bones constantly undergo remodeling
through life. Osteoclasts break down the bone and osteoblasts rebuild
it. Diet, exercise and age can change the shape, size and strength of
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) removes
calcium from the bone and stimulates osteoclasts to dissolve the
bone. Calcitonin stimulates osteoblasts, removing calcium and
phosphate from the blood and putting it into the bone.
When a bone is broken, a hematoma is
formed. A hematoma is a mass of clotted blood. Fibroblasts and
chondroblasts form a callus and then osteoclasts remove dead
fragments of bone. Osteoblasts then form new bone out of the callus.
Bone Shapes
Long bones are bones used for larger
movement. They are long and cylindrical and have heads, such as the
femur. The heads of these bones are called the epiphysis.
Short Bones are for small, complex
movements. Examples of short bones are the carpals and tarsals.
Flat Bones protect organs. The skull,
ribs, scapula, sternum and pelvic girdle are examples of flat bones.
Irregular bones include the vertebrae
and some facial bones.
Sesamoid bones are small bones within
tendons, such as the patella.
The Axial Skeleton: The Skull,
Vertebral Column, Ribs and the Sternum
The Skull: Temporal bone, parietal
bone, frontal bone, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone,
lacrimal bone, nasal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla, mandible,
palatine bone, vomer bone.
The Vertebral Column: 7 Cervical
vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5 fused sacral
vertebrae, 4 fused coccygeal vertebrae.
There are 12 Ribs and the sternum is
the breastbone (three bones that are fused together).
The Appendicular Skeleton: The
Pectoral Girdle, Pelvic Girdle and Limbs
The Pectoral Girdle (shoulder) includes
the clavicle and scapulas.
The pelvic girdles (hips) include the
coxal bones, sacrum and pubic bones.
Limbs include the arms (humerus,
radius, ulna, wrists and hand bone) and legs (femur, tibia, fibula,
ankle and foot bones)
is used for support and where movement is needed in the bones. It is
made of fibers and collagen. It is smooth and flexible. There are
three types of cartilage, including fibrocartilage, hyaline, and
consists of collagen fibers arranged in bundles. It is best used for
tension and pressure because it is able to support both well.
cartilage is smooth and has a glossy appearance consisting of thin
collagen fibers. It is found in embryonic development of the
skeleton, along with covering the ends of bones to ease friction.
cartilage is more flexible, found in the outer ear, and in the
are made of dense fibrous connective tissue used to connect bone to
joints are immoveable.
joints are slightly moveable and are connected by cartilage, such as
the backbone)
joints are freely moveable, such as hinge joints (like the jaw) and
ball and socket joints (like the hip). Several factors help synovial
joints move. The joint capsule holds the synovial membrane, which
secretes a lubricating fluid, and a hyaline cartilage, which cushions
the joint.
Movement of
the Skeleton
and adduction are the movements of the limbs to and away from the
body. Abduction means to move a limb away from the body while
adduction means to move the limb toward the body.
is a cone-like movement, or to move the limb in a circle.
is the movement of a body part around its axis, such as the way the
hand moves on its axis around the arm.
and extension are the movements of joints in angles, such as the leg
or arm being bent or lifted at the knee and elbow. Flexion is the
decrease of the angle and extension is the increase of the angular
means to extend the limb or head beyond its anatomical position, like
moving the head back to look up, or extending a leg behind the body.
ulna and radius are a special kind of structure in that when the arm
is held in a palm-up position, the two bones are parallel. But when
the palm is facing downward, the radius will cross over the ulna.
These movements are classified as supination (rotating the arm so
that the palm faces up or out) and pronation (rotating the arm so
that the palm faces down or in).
The Muscular System
purpose of muscles is to produce movement, contract to shorten
distance between bones through the skeletal muscles and generate
muscles work together while antagonistic muscles oppose each other.
connect to bones through tendons. The origin is where the muscle
joins to a bone and stays the same while the insertion is where a
muscle connects across a joint. During contraction, the insertion is
pulled toward the origin.
Structure of a Muscle
are composed of little bundles called fascicles. Each bundle is
composed of fibrous connective tissue called fascia, which contain
the muscle cells, otherwise known as muscle fibers. The fasciae all
come together at the end of the muscle to form the tendon.
cells contain more than one nucleus. The cell is full of long
structures called myofibrils, which are packed with the contractile
proteins, myosin and actin. When myofibrils contract, the muscle cell
contracts. The myofibrils are striated at intervals. In these
patterns a Z-line is found. From one myofibril to a Z-line composes a
sarcomere. The sarcomeres contain myosin and actin. Actin filaments
are linked to the Z-line and myosin filaments are located within the
sarcomeres. Myosin filaments are thick while actin filaments are
muscle is activated by a nerve, which increases the calcium by the
contractile proteins. Motor neurons secrete acetylcholine, a
neurotranspmitter, or a chemical that excites the muscle cells.
T-tubles transmit the electrical impulse into the cell. The
sarcoplasmic reticulum is like the endoplasmic reticulum of other
cells except for its shape. It stores ionic calcium.
When a
muscle contracts, the sarcomeres shorten and the thick and thin
filaments slide past each other in the sliding filament mechanism.
The thin filaments are made of two strands of actin molecules
spiraling around each other. The thick filaments are individual
molecules of myosin, shaped like the head of a golf club. The heads
almost touch the actin, but when the muscle relaxes, they don't
contraction, the myosin connects with the thin filaments to form a
cross-bridge between them, pulling the actin towards the center of
the sarcomere.
and tropomyosin are another two proteins connected with actin and
myosin. Together the two form troponin-tropomyosin complex. Calcium
binds to troponin and the complex exposes the myosin binding site so
that the cross-bridges form. The myosin heads form cross-bridges with
actin and bend, pulling the actin toward the center of the sarcomere.
ends when the nerve activation ends. No more calcium is released and
the complex shifts back to its initial position. Calcium is pumped
back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, is removed from the troponin
and the myosin binding site is covered again.
require energy in the form of ATP. It is required for both relaxion
and contraction. It can be replenished by glycogen, creatine
phosphate, and the aerobic metabolism of glucose, fatty acids and
other molecules involved with high energy.
function of blood is to transport nutrients from the digestive system
and hormones from the endocrine glands throughout the body. Blood
also transports waste from cellular metabolism to the organs that
dispose of it. It transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the
body. It also regulates body temperature, the amount of water in the
system, and pH levels. Lastly, it defends against infections and
is composed of 55% plasma. 90% of plasma is water, while the rest is
composed of proteins, horomones, gases, nutrients and wastes, and
electrolytes. Plasma helps to transport blood cells and platelets.
The other 45% of blood is composed of elements, such as red blood
cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets.
Red Blood Cells
blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. They are full of
hemoglobin, a protein that binds oxygen. They also contain
hematocrit, a measurement of the oxygen carrying capacity in RBCs.
Red blood cells are formed in bone marrow and live for about 120
days. Old or damaged RBCs are destroyed in the proper organs (the
liver and spleen) by large blood cells called macrophages. During the
process of phagocytosis, the macrophages surround and engulf the red
blood cell.
cells divide into various blood cells and platelets. They can become
erythroblasts, myeoblasts, monoblasts, lymphoblasts and
megakaryoblasts. After eyrthyroblasts lose their nucleus, they become
a red blood cell.
blood cell production is regulated by erythropoietin, a horomone
secreted by the kidneys when the oxygen in the cells fall.
Erythropoietin is transported to the red bone marrow to stimulate
stem cells to produce more RBCs.
White Blood Cells
blood cells (or leukocytes) also come from stem cells in bone marrow.
They defend the body against infection and regulate the inflammitory
reaction. The stem cell is reduced into myeoblasts, which reduce into
neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils, all of which are granular
the most abundant granulocyte, are the first to fight infection by
surrounding and engulfing foreign cells. Eosinophils only make up
about 2-4% of the white blood cells, generally defending against
large parasites by surrounding them and shooting digestive enzmes
into them. They also moderate allergic reactions. Basophils are the
rarest white blood cell, secreting a histamine for the inflammitory
stem cells can become monoblasts, which become monocytes, and
lymphoblasts, which become lymphocytes. These are agranular
leukocytes. Monocytes go into body tissues where they go through
phagocytosis to get rid of invading cells. They're active during
chronic infections and viruses or bacterial parasites. Lymphocytes
are part of the immune response, classified into B and T lymphocytes.
make up less than 1% of the blood. They come from megakaryocytes in
the bone marrow. They stay in the bone marrow and help in clotting
and repair.
prevents blood loss in three stages. The first is a vascular spasm,
where the blood vessel constricts to reduce blood flow. The second is
the formation of a platelet plug, where platelets stick together and
form a plug around the damaged area. Lastly, a clot is formed by
soluble fibrinogen, making a mesh of fibrin to trap the red blood
cells and platelets.
transfusions depend upon blood typing, a process that puts blood into
three primary classifications under the ABO system and the Rh system.
Antigens are nonself cells and antibodies are opposing proteins to
antigens. Only specific antibodies can fit specific antigens.
Antibodies bind to their antigens to form a complex that marks a
foreign cell for destruction.
blood cells are classified into four types in nearly all people: A,
B, AB or or. Type A blood has A antigens, B blood has B antigens, AB
blood has both A and B antigens and O has neither. For example,
someone with type A can receive only A or O blood because they do not
possess B antigens.

Rh factor is also used in blood typing, first found in rhesus
monkeys. Most Americans are Rh positive. It's something to take into
consideration for pregnant women. For example: An Rh negative woman
fathers a child by an Rh positive man and the child becomes Rh
positive. The fetal blood can enter the bloodstream of the mother and
the mother's cells can start attacking the fetal blood cells. The
mother's blood builds an immunity to the fetal blood, so that if she
decides to mother other children after the first, her blood can more
quickly attack the fetal blood cells.
The Cardiovascular
The cardiovascular system consists of
the heart and blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries).
The Heart
Surrounded by a fibrous sac called the
pericardium, the heart consists mostly of muscle. It has three
layers: The epicardium ( the thin outermost layer of epithelial and
connective tissue), the myocardium (the thick cardiac muscle) and the
endocardium (the thin innermost layer of endothelial tissue).
The heart consists of chambers and
valves to pump blood. There are four chambers, two atria and two
ventricles. Blood enters from the rest of the body into the right
atrium. It then passes through the right atrioventricular (AV) valve
into the right ventricle. Blood returning from the lungs enters the
left atrium, goes through the left atrioventricular valve into the
left ventricle. The valves prevent backflow from the ventricles into
the atria.
From the left ventricle, blood flows
through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta, which is the
largest artery in the body. From the right atrium, the blood is
deoxygenated and goes through the right atrioventricular valve into
the right ventricle, which pumps blood through the pulmonary
semilunar valve into the pulmonary trunk, which goes to the lungs.
As blood flows from the heart, it goes
through the arteries. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. They
have thick, three layered walls (from inner to outer, the
endothelium, smooth muscle, and connective tissue). Arteries also
carry blood under high blood pressure. The blood then goes into
arterioles, or little arteries. It then travels through precapillary
sphincters, much like little gates into the capillaries.
Capillaries are the sites where blood
exchanges solutes and water with other cells of the body. They are
the smallest blood vessels, consisting of one cell-layer thickness.
They are also porous, as they are composed of squamous epithelium.
Capillary beds are networks of capillaries.
After the blood exits the capillaries,
it goes into the veins, which carry the blood back to the heart.
Veins have three layers like arteries, but their lumen is bigger and
they have high distensibility. Veins also serve as a blood-volume
reservoir, containing almost two-thirds of the body’s blood so that
if the body becomes dehydrated, the heart will still have enough
blood to pump to keep the blood pressure consistent.
Skeletal muscles move the blood back to
the heart by squeezing the veins. One way valves permit the blood
flow. However, varicose veins can occur when the leaflets of the
valves don’t meet, and the valves allow the blood to flow back into
the veins so that they enlarge. This generally occurs in people who
stand on their feet a lot in the legs and feet.
The blood is circulated through the
body for many reasons, as it regulates temperature, carries water,
immune-system cells, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and transfers
waste out of the body.
The Immune System
around us is covered in living organisms, some that are beneficial
and some that are harmful. Pathogens are harmful and cause disease.
They include bacteria, fungi and parasites, viruses and prions.
are single-celled living organisms that do not have a nucleus, but
require raw materials to maintain life and grow. Beneficial bacteria
have many functions, such as lining our digestive tract to draw
energy from the food we eat. Harmful bacteria can cause pneumonia,
tonsillitis, tuberculosis, botulism, toxic shock syndrome, syphilis
and other diseases. They can be treated with antibiotics usually.
are small infections agents, smaller than bacteria. They cannot grow
on their own or reproduce outside of a host cell. They use their host
cell's organelles to produce more viruses. They can cause AIDS,
hepatitis, encephalitis, rabies, influenza, colds, warts, chicken
pox, etc.
are infectious proteins, misfolded brain proteins. One prion produces
another, which produces another, etc. The brain cell infected by
prions can die and burst, releasing more prions. They are resistant
to cooking, freezing and drying. Prions cause bovine spongiform
encephalitis, more commonly known as mad cow disease and
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease.
Health Risk Factors
factors can determine the dangers of pathogens and the health risks
they cause. How easily they are passed from one person to another is
one, along with how they can be passed (airborne, fecal-oral or
through bodily fluids). Lastly, the damage done by the infection is
used to determine the harm of pathogens.
The Lympatic System
Lympatic System defends the body. It helps maintain the blood volume
and transports fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive
system to the cardiovascular system. Lymph is found in the lymphatic
system, a milky fluid that carries white blood cells, proteins, fats
and sometimes bacteria and viruses. Lymphatic vessels carry the lymph
throughout the system. The lymph nodes clean the lymph, removing
microorganisms, cellular debris and abnormal cells. Lymph nodes are
found in clusters, such as under the armpit, parts of the digestive
tract, neck and groin. Macrophages and lymphocytes remove the
microorganisms from the lymph.
spleen cleanses the blood, containing red and white pulp. The red
pulp contains macrophages that break down microorganisms and old or
damaged red platelets. The white pulp contains lymphocytes to destroy
foreign pathogens.
thymus gland is the site of T lymphocyte maturation. It is found in
the lower neck behind the sternum. It contains lymphocytes and
epithelial cells, secreting thymosin and thymopoietin.
tonsils are masses of lymphatic tissue that filter out microorganisms
that enter the throat through food or air.
Blocking Pathogens and
keeping them out:
first line of defense includes the skin, tears and saliva, ear wax,
mucus, the stomach, vagina, vomiting, urination, defecation and
resident bacteria.
skin's structure, pH level and its constant rebuilding of itself
factors into keeping pathogens out of the body. Keratin produces a
covering in the skin and the sweat glands also produce an antibiotic
as a defense.
saliva, and earwax wash away particles and entraps microorganisms.
Tears and saliva contain lysozyme, an enzyme that kills certain
traps microorganisms in certain areas of the body, such as in the
digestive tract so that they can no longer move. The cells in the
respiratory areas move the mucus toward our throat so we get rid of
the microorganisms by coughing or sneezing.
stomach and vagina have acidic environments, inhibiting
urination and defecation remove microorganisms from the body through
the digestive tract and acid pH levels in the urine.
Non-Specific Defenses:
second line of defense includes phagocytic cells, inflammation,
natural killer cells, complement proteins, interferons and the fever.
is the process of surrounding and engulfing the invader cell, then
breaking it down and digesting it with lysosomes, then disposing of
the waste.
is the process of healing a tissue injury. Redness, warmth, swelling
an pain are found in inflammation. Mast cells release histamine to
the site of injury, dilating the blood vessels to make them leaky.
Complement proteins from plasma mark the bacteria for phagocyitic
destruction. Phagocytes are attracted by histamine and other
chemicals released and come to break down the bacteria. The rising
temperature increases the activity of the phagocytes.
killer cells release chemicals that break down the cell membranes of
their targets until they develop holes. The natural killer cells
secrete substances that enhance the inflammatory response while their
target’s nucleus disintegrates.
complement system consists of complement proteins that remain
inactive until they are activated by infection. One complement
protein activates another and another and so on. They create holes in
the bacterial cells, which eventually fill with water and salts until
they burst.
are secreted by cells that are infested with viruses. They diffuse to
healthy cells and stimulate them to produce proteins that interfere
with viral production.
raises the body temperature to increase metabolic rate of defense
Specific Defense
third line of defense is the immune response. The immune system
recognizes and differentiates its own cells from non-self cells. It
remembers non-self cells in order to build up a better immunity and
react more quickly to a new attack.
Immune system targets antigens, proteins or polysaccaride molecules
on surfaces of invading cells. It responds to these antigens by
producing antibodies to attack the antigen. Major histocompatibility
complex proteins (MHC) are the body's unique self markers that mark
each cell with a type of password or a fingerprint so that the immune
system bypasses them because it knows they are self cells.
B Cells
produce antibodies; they are antibody-mediated immunity. They become
activated when they recognize an antigen. They can produce clones of
themselves which become memory cells, cells with long lifespans to be
used at a future date if necessary. The also produce plasma cells,
which secrete antibodies to bind to the antigens when they clone.
cells are cell-mediated immunity, which directly attack foreign cells
that carry antigens; they don't need to produce antibodies. They can
release proteins that help coordinate other cells and their actions.
Cell-mediated immunity protects us against parasites, bacteria,
viruses, fungi, cancerous cells or any other foreign cell.
T Cells stimulate other immune cells. They undergo mitosis and
produce a clone to carry receptors to recognize an antigen.
T cells go through the blood, lymph, and tissues to find the cells
that display specific antigens, the antigens they are meant to
destroy. Cytotoxic T cells are the only T cells that directly attack
and destroy other cells. They release a protein called perforin into
the cell to create a pore for water and salts to enter into and burst
the cell. It also inserts granzyme, a poisonous enzyme to kill the
cell. Cytotoxic cells also go to tumors and release toxic chemicals
to the abnormal cells.
T cells retain receptors for the antigen that they were initially
stimulated for. Once they are reactivated by that antigen, they may
form new helper T cells or new cytotoxic cells.
such as macrophages and B cells are called antigen-presenting cells
(APCs). They engulf and partially digest foreign particles and form
fragments of antigens on their surfaces. The vesicle joins with a
vesicle that contains MHC molecules, which bind to the antigen pieces
and displays as an antigen-MHC complex. The cell presents a fragment
of the antigens for the T cells to recognize.
If the
T cell binds with the complex, it activates and begins mitosis. This
is called clonal expansion, increasing the number of T cells that
recognize that antigen.
Five Classes of Antibodies:
are classified as immuniglobulins (Ig)
IgG is
the most common, found in blood and lymph, intestines and tissue
fluid. They are long lived and activate the complement system.
They are the first ones released during immune responses, found in
blood and lymph.
They enter areas of the bodies that are covered in a mucous membrane,
like the digestive, reproductive and respiratory tracts. They
neutralize infections.
Found in blood and lymph and B cells, possibly playing a role in
activating B cells
Rarest, found in B cells, mast cells and basophils to activate
inflammatory response by triggering histamine release.
primary immune response is created when the immune system is first
exposed to an antigen about 3 to six days after the antigen first
appears. B cells to that antigen multiply and turn into plasma cells,
and the amount of antibodies rise until they peak after about 10 to
12 days and level off.
secondary immune response is faster and lasts longer. Once re-exposed
tot\ the antigen, the second immune response takes only hours and
reaches its peak in days.
Medical-Initiated Immunity
medical world has taken multiple steps in helping the immune system
defend the body.
have been developed. They are the intentional exposure to a form of
the antigen that doesn't produce a disease so as to develop faster
immunity to the antigen that does carry disease should the body get
it later on naturally. Thisa is known as active immunization.
immunization is a way of giving the body protective antibodies.
antibodies are antibodies that are produced in laboratories as clones
of a hybrid B cell. They are most popularly used in pregnancy tests,
prostate cancer tests, and tests for hepatitis, influenza and HIV.
are toxic to kill bacteria by targeting the cell wall or capsule, but
are ineffective against viruses.
Innappropriate Immune Responses
can be severe enough to require hospitalization or mild enough for
common treatments. They are considered 'inappropriate” because the
body reacts to allergens as if it were a pathogen, though its not. In
turn, stem cells can produce histamine to the area of contact,
secreting secretion of mucus. Antihistamines are treatments to mild
to moderate allergic reactions.
stings and food allergies go into the blood stream though, some
eliciting a systemic response to where they could constrict muscle in
the lungs and digestive system and dilate blood vessels. This could
cause difficulty breathing, stomach cramps, swelling and circulatory
collapse. Epinephrine injections dilates the airway and constricts
peripheral blood vessels to prevent shock.
disorders are disorders in which the immune system cannot distinguish
self cells from non-self cells so that the antibodies and cytotoxic T
cells target the body's own tissues. Lupus is a disorder in which the
body attacks its own connective tissue. Rheumatoid arthritis is in
inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines certain joints where
B cells produce antibodies against a protein in their cartilage.
respiratory system exchanges carbon dioxide and oxygen with air.
(ventilation) is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs.
respiration is the exchange of gases between air and blood. It takes
place in the lungs.
respiration is the exchange of gases between blood and tissue fluids.
It happens in tissues and throughout the rest of the body
respiration is the process of using oxygen to make ATP, and turn
carbon dioxide into waste. It also takes place in tissues and
throughout the rest of the body.
The Upper Respiratory Tract
upper respiratory tract consists of the nose, nasal passages, and
pharynx. Air goes through the nose (or mouth), then through the nasal
passages, and into the pharynx, which is in the throat. The upper
respiratory tract is responsible for scent receptors, warming and
moistening the air, resonating the voice, and filtering out foreign
then travels down to the lower respiratory tract, including the
larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles,lungs and alveoli.
The Lower Respiratory Tract
The lower
respiratory tract is responsible for sound production, transporting
the air to and from the lungs, and routing food and air to the
appropriate places. Mucus in the respiratory tract also entraps
microorganisms and cilia propels them up and out of the respiratory
tract via coughing and sneezing. Smoking can cause damage to the
The Lungs
lungs are in the thoracic cavity. They are covered in pleural
membranes and in between them and their membranes is a pleural cavity
where fluid reduces friction between the lungs and chest wall during
respiration. The right lung has three lobes and the left has two.
Inside each lobe is a branching tree of bronchioles. The bronchioles
contain clusters of aveoli, which are air filled sacs. This is where
the gases are exchanged.
In the
pulmonary capillaries in the lungs, blood comes close to the air in
the aveoli, allowing oxygenated blood to be collected and brought
back to the heart.
In a
relaxed state, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are relaxed.
Inspiration (inhailing) brings air into the lungs. The lungs expand
and the diaphragm contracts, pulling the muscle down. The intercostal
muscles (between the ribs) contract and the chest wall elevates. The
pressure in the lungs lowers and air goes in. Expiration (exhaling)
pushes air out of the lungs. The muscles relax, the diagram lowers
and the intercostal muscles lower. The pressure in the chest
increases and air goes out.
Measuring Lung Capacity
amount of air inhaled and exhaled per breath is measured as the tidal
volume. The air that stays in the airways but does not go through gas
exchange is called dead space volume. The maximum amount of air that
can be inhaled is measured as the vital capacity. Beyond the tidal
volume is the inspiratory reserve volume. Conversely, the amount of
air that goes beyond the tidal volume is called expiratory reserve
volume. And the amount of air that remains in the lung after even
forceful expiration is called residual volume. Each of these volumes
can be measured by a spirometer.
Gas Exchange
pressure is the pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture of gases.
It is proportional to its percentage of total gas composition. It is
represented as P and is measured in mm Hg.
Between air and blood, O2 is diffused from aveoli into blood
(104mmHg) down the partial pressure gradient. In exchange, CO2
diffuses from blood (46mmHg) into the aveoli (40mmHg) down the
partial pressure gradient.
tissue fluids and gases, O2 diffisues from the capillaries to the
intersitial fluid to the cells down the pressure gradient. The
process reverses with CO2.
Most of
the O2 is transported by hemoglobin in red blood cells. The rest is
dissolved in plasma. In the same, most of the CO2 is transported in
plasma as bicarbonate. 70% of it is converted and used as a buffer to
moderate pH. 10% is dissolved in the plasma and 20% of it binds to
hemoglobin for transport.
Regulation of Breathing
nervous system regulates breathing because the respiratory system is
located in the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata generates a
pattern of electrical impulses every 4-5 seconds, which stimulate the
intercostal muscles to contract. When the stretch receptors in the
lungs send the impulses back to the respiratory center, the lungs
medulla oblongata also monitors CO2, H+ and O2 levels. A rise in the
PCO2 in the blood will cause a rise in H+ in the cerebrospinal fluid,
and the medulla oblongata raises the respiratory rate. If the PO2
falls by at least 20%, the aortic and carotid bodies will increase
the rate and depth of breathing to lower the PO2.
We are
able to control our breathing to an extent. We can hold our breath
for awhile, but the medulla oblongata will take over after a certain
point. We can also moderate our breath to speak and sing.